Article How to design create a program of bodybuilding and fitness exercises




Article How to design create a program of bodybuilding and fitness exercises
Most beginners of bodybuilding and fitness and even applicants unfortunately find them asking other people for their training systems program of bodybuilding and fitness exercises either because of lack of knowledge or laziness, whatever the reason is, you should not apply a training program to another person even if he showed fairy results with him.

The mechanics in which the body operates vary from person to person, based on its genetic history and current lifestyle, so it is impossible to apply the same system to all people and wait for them to develop.



my dear trainee  the most important points that you should take into consideration when you want to create an exercise program.


1. Obligations
Determine your training goals
Setting goals is very important in any area of ​​life and not just bodybuilding and fitness, without a clear goal you will not move to the application because you do not have an incentive to start, and even if you start you will not continue because you do not have a final criterion that tells you if you are close to your goal or that you have already reached it .

There are many ways to set goals, choose which method you find appropriate for you, otherwise, I invite you to try the “SMART GOALS” style that has succeeded in achieving the goals of many people, including me.

Simply “SMART GOALS” style:

S: “Specefic”
M: “Measurable”
A: Achievable or “Attainable”
R: Linked to your current life period or “Relevant”
T: time-bound or “Time-bound”

An example of a smart target:

“Increase 6 kg of muscles in 8 months”

This goal is specific “amplification”, measurable “by measuring body weight”, achievable “novice player can increase 1-0.5 kg net muscle per month”, associated with your life period “your physical health is important at any stage of your life”, defined by a time period “8 months”.

A realistic and effective goal is a smart goal that can connect you to the destination you want, no matter how you define it as much as what you want to define and write it in your notebook.


Safe system
Bodybuilding is an area not without danger, as an injury can expose you to chronic health problems or even death!

Without taking into account the principle of safety, you expose yourself to several risks. When an accident occurs, your goal will be without value because you will be interrupted for several months or you may end your training career completely.

I am not here to scare and intimidate you, but rather to alert you to change the warm-up and stretching movements as an important part of your training regimen because of its benefits in preventing muscle spasms and injuries in addition to protective tools such as the back strap and joint ligaments.

You must make sure to create a training regimen that suits your athletic level, physical fitness, and muscle strength. You do not need to imitate other people’s systems. You do not know what to do and what to eat behind you.


Interesting system
Setting an intelligent and safe goal is not enough to continue a long-term training system.

Ensure that you will lose enthusiasm on the way, and you must be prepared for this by planning boredom combating techniques in your exercise program.


Among the effective methods of changing the program routine are:

Practice with a close friend
Changing your workout style from time to time
Acquire new exercise clothes and shoes
Changing the gym from time to time
Listen to your favorite music while exercising

Flexible system
Determining a long-term training regimen that does not literally adhere to it, if it threatens your continuity in the gym it must be changed immediately.

What if you feel pain in your shoulder? Should you continue in the same training regimen that caused you pain? Or what if you feel uncomfortable in your joints with a particular training movement? Or a position in an exercise?

Another example: If you use your arms to swim today, is it better for you to exercise your arms tomorrow or postpone them for a later time?

Certainly, you must change your exercise regimen to match your temporary condition. Fortunately, there are hundreds of exercises in bodybuilding and fitness, you can change in it until you find the most appropriate system for you personally.


2. The intensity of the exercise or training effort
Having written down your commitments, from setting goals and taking into account your own abilities, come with me now for an important part of creating training plans.


Before choosing the exercises that you will adhere to during a specific training period, you must know the intensity necessary for the exercise or effort in your system, that is, the number of lessons per week, the number of times each muscle is trained per week, the number of groups and repeats in each exercise.


How many training sessions per week?
The number of exercise times per week depends on your body and your lifestyle in the first place. It is not correct to follow a weekly routine for another person only because he has shown good results with him, or because he is a famous influence on social media.
If your time and speed of healing your muscles allow you to exercise 6 consecutive days, do so. If your time is narrow or your muscles are slow recovering, do 5-3 days a week according to your ability, there are always appropriate training regimens for each person, all of which show excellent results.
Examples of training systems:

1 to 3 servings per week: “Full body workout” exercises.
4 servings per week: “Upper Lower workout” half-body exercises
5 servings per week: large and small muscle in each “Bro split” session.
6 servings per week: “Push Pull Legs”

How many exercises and groups in each class?
In a statistical study published in 2017 at Lehman College in New York, I analyzed 15 studies related to the training effort and concluded that more than 10 groups per muscle group per week were excellent for achieving the greatest possible muscle building.


This does not mean that less than 10 groups per muscle group per week do not work, but for the best results this number has been suggested, which means that there are few people who respond to more or less muscle groups better.

As for the maximum number of groups per muscle group per week, it was concluded that 20 groups reach training stress for most players, which is not desirable because it leads to muscle breakdown and even exposure to injuries if followed in the long run.


There are some muscles that go into performing other exercises as auxiliary muscles, such as the interference of the biceps in the back exercises, the entrapment of the chest in the chest exercises, the terps in the shoulder exercises … In this case, the same number of groups cannot be applied to all the muscles of the body.


The main muscle groups (chest, back, legs): 10-20 groups per week.
Auxiliary muscle groups (arms, obesity, traps): less than 10 groups per week.

If the trainee is a beginner and has not completed his first year, then 10 excellent groups for him to show the maximum gains, and the more the player progresses and his experience, the more than 20 groups approach.

In the end, it all depends on your body’s response and its ability to recover. Follow these instructions while monitoring your body’s change to discover the best number for you.

How many repetitions in each exercise?
Players are confused when choosing the number of repetitions required in each group, in fact, there is no ideal number recommended, every person must find the number that leads to muscle failure.
In a study published by Dr. Schönefeld in 2015, I found that the many “35-25 repetitions” have the same effectiveness as the “12-8 several” reps in building muscle “Hypertrophy” as long as the player raises the maximum weight possible. How?

Muscles do not know the weight that you raise, but respond to exercise based on the intensity, and if you raise the intensity of the exercise continuously “Progressive overload” you will build muscles, whether you lifted the weight or the repeats or even groups!

What about burning fat?

Fat burns in high gear is as effective as low gear, depending on the intensity of the exercise in general.


Fewer reps: increased strength (ability to lift high weights)
High repetition: increased durability (long-term resistance to stress)

3. Warm up and stretch
Many of the trainees do not distinguish between warm-up and stretching movements.

Quite simply, a warm-up is heating movements aimed at delivering the joints and muscles to an adequate temperature for safe exercise.

Stretching are the stretching movements of the body muscles in order to reduce tension and spasm and provide a smooth passage of blood loaded with oxygen and nutrients to the muscles for safe physical activity.

But so far they do not like that there is a big difference, so let me explain more.

When do you warm up and when do you stretch?

Warming up

Before exercising: to warm your joints and muscles and protect them from injury.

Before exercise (after warm-up movements): to improve the range of motion
After exercise: to reduce muscle spasms and speed muscle recovery.
Note: The warm-up movements should not increase the heart rate significantly in order to become cardio exercises, and you should not make stretching movements before heating movements to avoid injuries.

4. Choose an exercise
There are hundreds of exercises in bodybuilding and fitness, each exercise has its own goal, its advantages and disadvantages.
Indeed, there are more important exercises than other exercises, but there is no ideal or mandatory exercise that you cannot replace with another exercise.
1. Push movements
Are all the movements that push the weight away from your body, divided into several types:

Horizontal push
All exercises where you push the weight while your body is horizontal on the surface of the earth, such as:

Bench press
Dumbbell bench press
Chest pressure by body weight “Push ups”

Vertical push
All exercises where you push the weight while your body is perpendicular to the surface of the earth, such as:

Shoulder press
Dumbbell shoulder press
Arnold dumbbell press

Lateral raise
All exercises that raise weight outside of your body, such as:

Dumbbell Lift “Lateral raise”
Machine lateral raise
Cable lateral raise
Aggregation – Fly
All exercises that put weight in the center of your chest, such as:

Dumbbell fly “Dumbbell fly”
Cable fly assembly
“Machine fly” chest assembly
Elbow extents – Elbow extentsion
All exercises where you gain weight by extending your elbow, such as:

Tripps exercises
2. Pull movements
Are all the movements that pull the weight towards your body, divided into several types:

Horizontal pull
All exercises where you gain weight while your body is horizontal on the surface of the earth, such as:
“Barbell row” drawing
Dumbbell Row
Check-out “T-bar row”

Vertical pull
All exercises where you pull the weight while your body is perpendicular to the surface of the earth, such as:
“Pull ups”
Cable pull down
V-bar pull down

Reverse fly
All exercises where you pull the weight behind your body, such as:
DB rear delt fly
Rear delt machine
Face pull
Elbow flexion
All exercises in which you gain weight by bending the elbow, such as:
Bypass exercises
3. Legs – Legs
The title explains itself in this section, examples of squat exercises:

Front squat
Squat back
Hack squat

Hip joint – Hip hinge
All exercises that depend on the mobility of the hip joint, such as:

Romanian dead lift
Back extentions
Lungs – Lungs

All exercises in which one leg is placed forward with the knee bent and flat foot on the ground while the other leg is placed behind it, such as:

Static Lunge
Stabbing “Walking Lunge”
Stabbing up “Lunge and Reach”
Knee extension
All exercises in which the knee is stretched, such as:

Leg extension

Knee flexion

All exercises where the knee is bent, such as:

Lying leg curl
Seated leg curls
Obesity – Calves
All exercises that target the obesity muscle, such as:

Standing calves rasie
Seated calves raise exercise
The question now is, should all these forms of exercises be applied?

Not necessarily. After you choose the number of groups per muscle per week, for example be 15 groups per large muscle and 8 groups per small muscle.

You will design a program so that you choose two exercises for each push movement, pull movement, whether for the upper or lower part of the body, in addition to group movement and side lift movement and back lift movement (see exercises forms above), then the movements of Pai and Tri and Smana.

The ideal division of quality exercises:
50% compound exercises.
25% isolation exercises.
25% exercises to improve body consistency.
Duration of rest between totals
Compound exercises
Are exercises that recruit more than one large muscle group at the same time, these exercises are characterized by the possibility of lifting large weights in them, such as chest pressure, squats, dead dead, but the strength that provides them in raising greater weights comes at the expense of the speed of recovery of the body, and therefore requires a longer time From the rest to perform the next set.

5-3 minutes is the appropriate time for the body to recharge the energy to perform the next group.

Isolation exercises
They are exercises that target one muscle group in each exercise. These exercises are characterized by limited weight that can be lifted, such as biceps, tripps, obesity … and thus the recovery speed is faster compared to the combined exercises.

Less than 2 minutes is the maximum time for the body to recharge the power to perform the next set.

5. Muscle recovery
We discussed a lot about muscular hospitalization in this article, but in this section we will limit ourselves only to the method of using muscle hospitalization to determine whether we need to raise or lower the effort made from exercise (increase or decrease in exercises, groups, repeats, weights, rest period)

In isolation exercises, the muscles recover after 48 hours as the maximum period, while in combined exercises, they recover after 72 hours as the maximum period.

If the pain resulting from the exercise continues with you for several days, know that the training effort in your program is higher than your body’s endurance, and you must either stop increasing the training effort or reduce it a little so as not to get the opposite results. As you know, if you fall into exaggerated “Overtraining” training, your body will stop developing and may perform muscle breakdown.

Ensure that you are performing behaviors that help provide a suitable environment for your body to heal before you stop or decrease the increase in exercise.

6. Exercise methods
There are many training methods such as super six, paths six, gaint six, and I am surprised when I see a fourth month beginner getting involved in his training program, and he does not know the most priority matters in increasing intensity and the training effort that we explained in the previous paragraphs.
Indeed, these methods are good for increasing the “training volume”, but do not think about them at the beginning of your sporting career. As for the advanced players, they can perform it at the end of each session, but it should not be their basis.

In the end, I would like to point out a very important topic, and it is about improving your listening skills, monitoring and taking notes about your body.

If you are not good at listening to the reaction of your muscles and joints to a specific exercise, you will not know the next step, is it to increase or decrease the intensity ? Or even fix it until your body gets used to it? Even more dangerous is that not focusing with your performance leads to severe injuries!

Concentrate with your exercises, make notes about your training, track your progress, then decide the next steps based on logic, not enthusiasm.




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