Fashion design philosophy




Fashion design philosophy
Today the world is interested in fashion and Fashion shows and competitions are held in which designers compete to create distinctive and different designs and some designers become famous until they reach the international level.

No matter how different people differ on the importance of fashion design in life the design process remains the basis for the simplest pieces that people wear in their daily lives from clothes and accessories to shoes and bags.



Fashion design is defined as the process of creating ideas and concepts related to clothing styles accessories etc to obtain these acquisitions with new designs whether by shapes fabrics or colors used and these choices are influenced by seasonal patterns in what is called (mainstream fashion).

These designs are used for manual drawing or designers use modern computer programs for fashion design Among the most famous successful global fashion houses the Italian company Armani the company Christian Dior Coco Chanel Louis Vuitton France and others.


manual drawing or designers use modern computer programs for fashion
manual drawing or designers use modern computer programs for fashion

Fashion design process

Each designer has his own signature in the fashion world and develops his imaginative and aesthetic sense over time and every time the fashion design process passes a set of stages that are similar in all different types of design they can be summarized as follows:

Customer identification

designs may be special For a specific customer you must know some information that may affect the design process such as the budget the customer owns or know the style of clothes he prefers and other information.


Fashion design process
Fashion design process

Initial drawings

This is the stage where the designer begins to search for sources to inspire his design idea and start implementing some ideas in the form of initial drawings and until he reaches the required idea he must draw many of the initial drawings so each drawing adds or modifies an idea to obtain a distinctive design.

Choosing colors and fabrics

After determining the shape of the piece to be designed the designer chooses the appropriate colors and fabrics during this stage he uses colored cardboard or a piece of fabric he wishes to use by making scraps of these materials and pasting them on the design drawing to know the image that the piece will look upon when finished Its design.

Making a prototype

After the designer determines the shape colors and fabrics that he will use he has obtained his comprehensive plan for the designed piece so he is working on sewing a prototype for the design until he has a clear copy of the design that is adjustable.

Choosing colors and fabrics
Choosing colors and fabrics

Suitable for the body

It is not possible to know the final shape of the piece without knowing its shape on the body and its suitability for it so some designers resort to design work using an adjustable material such as cotton so as not to lose at each stage the modification of the precious fabric.

Determining specifications

When the designer completes the testing phase he writes specifications for his design by specifying the type of stitches used in the design the type of fabric measurements and others.

stitches used in the design the type of fabric measurements
stitches used in the design the type of fabric measurements

Tailoring and design making

the final design is executed and the product is designed according to the specifications that the designer has determined.

Design Show

Designers resort to display their various designs on the Internet in the shops or in the fashion showrooms which in turn hold parties to display distinctive fashion.





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