Arm exercises for men and women with pictures




Arm exercises for men and women with pictures

The arms are one of the areas most everyone men and women want to improve their appearance and work to make them carved and without any excess fat or sagging. Find out with us in the following article about some of the arm exercises for both men and women.



Arm exercises without weights

 First exercise, plank tap


Arm exercises without weights
Arm exercises without weights

The various types of plank exercises have many benefits in addition to their benefits in sculpting the arms and upper body. Here are the steps: Take the traditional plank position. Then touch your left hand as your right hand then touch your right shoulder with your left hand tightening the abdomen and thighs as much as possible. To make the exercise easier you can slightly differentiate your legs.

The second exercise is side plank

The second exercise is side plank
The second exercise is side plank

Lie on your right side with your right hand just below your right shoulder. Stretch your legs and stack your left foot above the right foot then press the abdomen and torso to lift the hips off the floor and extend your left hand straight towards the ceiling. Hold this position for some time. This is one of the most effective exercises for the arms because it depends on the concentration of body weight on the arms in a certain way.

The third exercise plank


The third exercise plank
The third exercise plank

Place your palm on the floor with the shoulders directly above your wrists. Stretch your legs behind making sure that they are straight and as close to each other as possible. Tighten your body especially the abdomen and torso as much as possible. Hold this position for some time. This is one of the most common arm exercises because it is very effective as it works to tighten the abdominal muscles.

Exercise 4 plank up-down

Exercise 4 plank up-down
Exercise 4 plank up-down

Start by taking the plank position but leaning against the wrists of your hands instead of the palm of the hand. Raise your right arm with the palm of your hand then raise your left arm with the palm of your hand as well. Then lower your right and left arms so that they rest on your wrists again. Keep your body straight as far as possible by moving your weight from one arm to the other. To make this exercise easier you can slightly spread your legs apart.

The fifth exercise is push ups
Begin by taking the plank position with the palm of your hands. Make sure your body is straight and your tummy and torso tight. Bend your elbows to get closer to the ground. Then push your arms up again repeat this movement several times.


The fifth exercise is push ups
The fifth exercise is push ups

Women’s Arm Exercises First Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Hold the dumbbell and stand with your feet across the shoulder bend your knees slightly. Hold the dumbbells in front of your chest. With the elbows slightly facing forward instead of going straight out to the sides push the dumbbells up until your arms are fully extended. Hold this position for only one second then repeat the movement several times.

The second exercise Around The World
Hold the dumbbell and stand with your feet shoulder width with your knees bent slightly. Put the dumbbells in front of your chest. Then make a dumbbell circle around your head and make your elbows as tight as possible. After making Oudi circle for the first position repeat the movement several times. The third exercise Write Your Name hold one dumbbell in each arm. Slowly extend your arms in front of you then write your name in the air each letter separately.

Men’s Arm Exercises First Exercise Incline bicep curl

Sit on a sloped bench and place dumbbells in each hand with your arms straightened. Use your biceps muscles to lift the dumbbells until they reach your shoulder then lower them down to your side making sure your arms are straight. Repeat this movement several times

Men's Arm Exercises First Exercise Incline bicep curl
Men’s Arm Exercises First Exercise Incline bicep curl

 Diamond press-up

Lie on the floor with your body straight. Make a diamond look with your hands. Then lower your body down until your chest almost touches the ground. Then push your body up again while pressing your triceps and chest muscles at the same time.

Concentration curl

Sit on a bench and place your right arm against your right leg. Hold proper weight with your right arm. Then push the weight up towards your shoulder resting on your right leg. Repeat this movement several times before moving to the other arm.

Arm exercises are the best way to improve your upper body muscles and get tight sculpted and strong muscles.

You can use your own weight in these exercises or even resort to a more effective solution such as using weights. You can start with two to five kilos of weights.

To avoid injuries switch to larger or heavier weights when you feel you can only carry them.

When do the results of arm exercises begin to appear?

When do the results of arm exercises begin to appear?
When do the results of arm exercises begin to appear?

If you do arm exercises three times a week you will feel a difference within about two weeks and you will notice a difference and a significant improvement in four weeks.




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