how to make accessories handmade at home




how to make accessories handmade at home great way to begin making  jewelry and accessories





Appearing beautifully beautiful lyceum and eye catching is the goal of every female and that makes her take care of


all the details of her heroine’s clothes hairdressing style and accessories especially that the accessories suit all different tastes they are diverse in their details shapes and colors When every girl buys them you’ll find what suits her desire and her clothes.




Sometimes accessories can be expensive knowing that their industrial cost and used materials are cheap making many people especially females learn to make accessories as a kind of financial gain or as a self sufficiency at a lower material price.


Accessories industry


Accessories industry
Accessories industry



Large and small colored beads.
Pieces of cloth.
Two threads with appropriate colors with beads.
Two broad threads of plastic.
Very thin needle. A collection of semi precious stones.
Ready made pieces of iron shapes such as hearts eyes stars etc.
Small locks for accessories.
A set of circular or oval shaped iron rings.


Bracelet accessories


Bracelet accessories
Bracelet accessories


The first way

Cut the cloth by fifteen centimeters and one centimeter wide. A set of beads of desired color are taken and are suspected of threading and needleing on the cloth making sure that the piece is permanently hidden under the beadsAt the end of each piece of cloth the end of the cloth is fixed to a piece of the lock producing a beautifully colored sorority.


The second way


The iron rings are clasped together until they form a stable about fifteen centimeters long. Each of the rings is engaged in a ready made form such as eyes or heartsThe small lock is stable with the ends of the lock.


Bracelet accessories
Bracelet accessories


The third way


Wrap a set of colored plastic threads around each other or braid as the hair. It is fixed with ready shapes so that they are visible and slung from them and the locks are stabilized.

Bracelet accessories
Bracelet accessories


Contract accessory industry


The first way


Brings a solid thread of suitable length and as desired length of the contract whether long or short. The beads are shaped by the line using small beads containing pearl like gemstones.


The lock is fixed on the ends of the contract if it is short but if it is long there is no need for locks but the lock is closed by tying the threads from the sides together.


Contract accessory industry
Contract accessory industry


The second way


This is the most difficult way because it is a great variety of colors and shapes.


The desired necklace is drawn on a large sheet of paper. The sizes are taken by ruler and then cut a set of threads in the same sizes as those taken.


All threads are beaded according to the desired color.

The threads are clasped together in the same form as the paper and the lock is fixed on the ends of the nodes.


Making a hair accessory


distributes glue on the plastic collar The gum is lined with lines of colored beads which are described on the upper and lower end of beads of the same color and then describe two other lines in another color And so Expose the collar to the air until it dries and then ready to decorate it.


Making a hair accessory
Making a hair accessory






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